Alex Chandler
Greetings! I am Alex, and this serves as the centralized hub for all my work and contact information.
What do I do? I'm working on BE in Game Development and Computer Animation; and want to pursue a related career. Currently, I'm happily employed as a social media manager for a local business in my home town of San Francisco.
What do I do?
I use a variety of tools and software to complete, and excel, in the requirements needed in any given project.
Industry Standard Applications Used
Days of agile development
I've become very familiar with Agile Methodologies, completing 5 sprint based projects
Platforms developed on
Creating games for PC (Windows), Console, and Mobile (Android).
Primary Applications I use
Modeling: Autodesk Maya, Blender, ZBrush
Texturing: Substance Painter, Substance Designer, Substance Sampler, Photoshop, Lightroom
Programming: Visual Studios (C#)
Audio: Pro Tools, Avid Link
Game/Render Engines: Unity, Roblox, Marmoset
Project Management: GitHub, Google Suite, Trello, Jira, Unity Hub, Creative Cloud
Audio, Recording, and Editing: Fade In, OBS, Premier Pro
Web Development: Adobe Illustrator, Dreamweaver
Animation/Motion Capture: Motive, Motion Builder
Communication: Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Discord
What is my skillset?
I've been working on industry projects for over 4 years, and gathered a fair amount of skills to further increase the efficiency and quality of my work
Ready for animation
My models only use quadrilaterals and don't contain any ngons. All ready to be rigged and animated.
No AI generated textures
Don't need to worry about copyright claims on source material from AI generated work, as I don't use any!
Tactful & hard working
I start projects on day one, and collaborate closely with others to setup multiple weekly meetings to ensure work gets done efficiently.
I've worked in a multitude of mediums, but the majority of my works falls into these three categories
Some of my favorite projects
Here's a quick highlight of some the projects that I greatly enjoyed working on.
VW Microscene
Bedtime Climb
SW Mantis
WoW Orrery
Want to play one of my games?
Riptide Override is a mobile game designed for Android. Can also be played on a Chromebook, or any other Android based devices. My first shipped title!
Development Blogs on completed work
Let's get down to business
What Software do I use?
I utilized multiple Industry standard applications primarily ranging from within the Google, Autodesk, and Adobe Suites.
I pretty exclusively use Maya for all my modeling and UV work. For most projects, my models are made with quadrilaterals, and a distinct lack of ngons; so they can be easily rigged and animated later on if needed.
90% of my PBR texturing work is done in Substance Painter. The other 10% in Substance Designer, for larger and more complex dynamic maps.
Game Development
Unity is the primary game engine I work on, developing PC and Mobile titles. I have some experience with Unreal as well as Roblox Studio.
Want to see more details, renders, and a breakdown of the project above? Click here!